Sunday, February 17, 2013

2. Tara is Creative Wisdom

Noble Lady Tara Loter Yangchenma
melodious liberator, source of wisdom

 I prostrate to she whose face is made
Of one hundred full autumn moons
And blazes with the dazzling light
Of a thousand constellations.

This verse praises Tara as a symbol of beauty, art, and music, using poetic images of moons and stars. The light shining from Tara emanates in all directions, obliterating all ignorance, and gathers knowledge and wisdom that can benefit all beings.

The opportunity with this meditation is to allow that light to fill every part of our bodies, so that we are immersed in wisdom, love, and compassion. We become beings of light. 

I had many opportunities this week to allow myself to bathe in the white light of compassion. I learned powerfully, and deeply, that no matter what situation I am in, I have the power to choose how to respond. By breathing into my heart, visualizing white light surrounding me, and tuning into the vibration of compassion, I was able to remain calm, centered, grounded, and in a loving space through even the most trying and challenging of moments. 

I called upon music to help me open the door to my heart and to love - humming, chanting, or even sometimes silently singing in my head. I found, as I have many times before, that music is a direct channel to the sacred for me. A favorite chant of mine, which I sang often this week (when I sang love, I thought about compassion):

love prepare me 
to be a sanctuary
pure and holy
tried and true
with thanksgiving
i'll be a living
for you

I thought about wisdom a lot this week. I have made choices in the past (and even in the last week) that were foolish, not well thought-out, and may potentially have caused others harm, even though that was never my intention. As I meditate on compassion daily, and especially this week as I thought about operating from a place that takes into account the big picture of all beings, I have learned to deepen my internal knowing, to refine my decision making process, and to more deeply live from a place of constant, unconditional love, acceptance, and compassion for everyone - always.

As I stood with in solidarity with women around the globe on V-day, as part of One Billion Rising, I meditated on Tara's essence of replacing ignorance with wisdom, and I emanated white light to all of those who are not yet on board with ending violence against women. I held the light of compassion for all who perpetuate violence against women, and I sent love and held the intention of things shifting, so that all human beings will be treated with kindness, respect, compassion and love. 

I was reminded that every quality I admire and aspire to in Tara already exists inside of me, and I need only to remember to call upon it, to summon it, and to know that it's available in every moment, if I so choose it. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

1. Tara is Swift Protection

Noble Lady Tara Nyurma Pamo
liberator, swift one, heroine

Homage, Tara, quick one,
Heroine whose eyes flash like lightening,
Born from the opening corolla of the lotus face
Of the lord of the triple world.

This verse praises Tara's wisdom, her heroic courage and commitment to the liberation of all beings, and highlights her swiftness.

As I've meditated with this concept this week, I have been touched by how simple it is to choose compassion in each moment. It's simple, but not always easy. Repeatedly I have noticed judgments come up that cause constriction in me, and as I notice the judgment, I breathe deeply, chant Tara's mantra, and remember to open my heart in compassion. I've noticed how compassion is a choice, and that it can be chosen in a second, causing a swift shift from judgment into compassion.

The two biggest lessons I have learned so far this week are:
1. How immediately the shift can occur.
2. How it does require courage and commitment to live in love and compassion, all of the time, in every situation.

The more I've practiced, the easier and faster it's become. I am finding living from a place of compassion to be really sweet, peaceful, and soft. I feel gentle, relaxed, and filled with joy.

Monday, February 4, 2013

21 Praises

There are 21 emanations of Tara, each representing a various stage or aspect of compassion.

1. Tara is Swift Protection
2. Tara is Creative Wisdom
3. Tara is Impeccable Virtue
4. Tara is All Victorious
5. Tara is Sublime Intelligence
6. Tara is Worthy of Honor
7. Tara is Invincible Courage
8. Tara Destroys Negativity
9. Tara is True Refuge
10. Tara is Joy and Laughter
11. Tara is the Distributor of Wealth
12. Tara is Auspicious Beauty
13. Tara is Irresistible Truth
14. Tara is Ferocious Compassion
15. Tara is Serene Peace
16. Tara Destroys Attachment
17. Tara is Triumphant Joy
18. Tara is the Transformer of Poison
19. Tara is the Remover of Sorrow
20. Tara is Radiant Health
21. Tara is Complete Enlightenment

Tara = Compassion


The energy of Tara is one of peace, compassion, and spiritual transformation.

Her name means, "Star," and like the North Star in the sky guiding lost travelers, Tara appears to us when all is dark and leads us to a meeting with our inner selves.  Tara brings with her an association with spiritual enlightenment that results in peace and happiness.

The Music of the stars is mine, and the melody of the moon.
Oh, do you not hear them singing to you in the silence of the night? 

One legend of Tara states that she was first known as Jnaana-chandra or "Moon of Wisdom" and was extremely devoted to the Buddhas. Every day she made offerings. Finally, there arose in her the Bodhicitta, the aspiration, based in compassion, to gain Enlightenment for the benefit of all beings-to become a Boddhisatva. The priests urged her to pray that she would be reborn as a man in order to develop her career and eventually become a Buddha. But she made the following vow:

There are many who desire Enlightenment
in a man's body, but none who work for the
benefit of sentient beings in the body of a
woman. Therefore, until smsara is empty, I
shall work for the benefit of sentient beings
in a woman's body!
Ultimately, Tara's vow to know and share love recognizes the oneness and inter-connectedness of all beings. Tara's vow to remain a woman is inspirational in a time when women's energy is so needed in our world. Tara is a goddess of compassion, in a beautiful and sensual form. The lesson of Tara lies in her love and compassion for all beings which comes from loving herself, which is all.


Tara's mantra ~ om tare tuttare ture soha