Noble Lady Tara Sonam Tobche
liberator, increaser of power and ability
Homage, Mother, golden one,
Her hand adorned with a blue lotus,
Whose field of practice is generosity, effort
Austerity, calm, acceptance, and meditation
In essence, this verse praises Tara for having attained transcendant meditation. She has achieved:
- transcendent generosity
- transcendent joyful effort
- transcendent discipline and morality
- perfected calm
- the highest state of patience, acceptance, and tolerance
- meditation, concentration
These ideas seemed so complex to me that it was hard to focus on these for only one week. It seems that one month, or even one year, or perhaps one lifetime is needed to fully embrace these ideas.
As I meditated with the images and ideas of Tara of the Golden Hue, she who aids people in increasing their spiritual wealth, I was able to more easily access those places inside of me that are pure, sacred, and love-filled. For me, a large part of the last two weeks have been learning to more deeply trust my intuition, to listen to that inner voice, that deep wisdom, that honors what is right and true for me, and lives from a place of love and reverence.
The more I live in the moment, aware, conscious, grounded, and in alignment with myself, the easier it is for me to see the beauty that's around me in each moment. I can access peace, joy, and acceptance so much more readily. From that place generosity flows naturally, and I am patient, calm, and focused.
I am loving myself more deeply, and because of that love radiates effortlessly, and I am loving everything and everyone else more deeply as well.
I truly believe that everything is either love, or a cry for love.
May you live in love, dear brother, dear sister. May you know deep inner peace, joy, and love.